photo de profil d'un membre


Expérience professionnelle

Communication and advocacy officer


De Septembre 2016 à Aujourd'hui

1. Website, newsletter and social networks
- Animation and regular updates of the site: media-monitoring, report writing on social news, Agenda and communication on other events;
- Assistance in the realization and sending of a newsletter distributed to all members
- Animation of social networks of the Federation de l'Entraide Protestante
- Managing of FEP's job board dedicated to the social sector

2. Organization of one-off events
- Support for the organization of a conference about Children' Social Workers with sociologists and Brigitte Bourguignon, president of the French High Council of Social Work
- Support for the organization of a three-days event gathering more than 100 associations
- Support on the organization of the Collectif des Associations Unies event in March 2017 with the Fondation Abbé Pierre, Emmaüs France, la Fnars and Uniopss

3. Writing and publication
- Weekly writing of news articles on the social sector and our member's work.
- Redaction of the culture and the federation's life page in the quarterly magazine Proteste, as the assistant editor of the magazine
- Examination of publication standards on each publication from the first version to the last before sending it to the printer

Parcours officiels

M2 mention Science Politique parcours Politique de Communication : Action Publique
M2 mention Science Politique parcours Politique de Communication : Action Publique